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A label that rewards initiatives taken in the field of catering.

After a rigorous audit of our practices , we obtained 3 Écotable macarons, proof of our commitment to the environment, nature and well-being at work in our establishment.

The Ecotable label demonstrates our commitment to more sustainable catering.

It was delivered to us after a thorough analysis of our practices: from supply to the plate, including the kitchens.

Since 2024 the restaurant has been labeled 3 Ecotables

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An Ecotable macaroon

Transition started

  • At least 15% of products come from organic farming or sustainable sources.

  • I strictly respect the seasons for fruits and vegetables grown in France.

  • All my eggs and egg products are organic or specified free range (code 0 or 1).

  • I offer at least one vegetarian dish.

  • I systematically carry out selective sorting. A take-away solution such as Doggy Bag is set up for customers.

  • [On site] I serve my customers in reusable dishes.

  • [Take away] An alternative to disposable items is offered (deposit and/or possibility of bringing your own container)

  • I get a Resto-Score A, B or C.


Two Ecotable* macarons

Advanced approach

  • At least 30% of the products come from organic farming or sustainable sources.

  • I limit single-use plastic in my packaging (bottles, etc.) as much as possible. My citrus fruits are not treated.

  • I communicate my approach to my clients and my staff.

  • I make zero waste recipes.

  • My supply contains a maximum of 5% of products imported from outside Europe.

  • At least 50% of my supply is plant-based.

  • I validate at least one of the bonus criteria. I obtain a Resto-Score A or B.


Three Ecotable* macarons

An example for all


  • At least 50% of the products come from organic farming or sustainable sources.

  • I sort and recycle my biowaste.

  • I don't have any endangered fish species on my map.

  • My meats are 100% French and come from sustainable sources.

  • Je privilégie les viandes à faible impact carbone (volaille, porc etc.).

  • Je n'utilise aucun produit alimentaire ultra-transformé.

  • Je valide au moins deux des critères bonus.

  • J'obtiens un Resto-Score A ou B.

  • *les critères sont cumulatifs du niveau 1 au niveau 3 du label

Bonus criteria

  • I do not use single-use plastic (take-out containers, plastic wrap or sous vide cooking)

  • I use eco-friendly cleaning products

  • I subscribe to a renewable energy supplier

  • I am developing the social aspect in my establishment

  • I don't serve industrial drinks

  • I apply a zero waste policy

  • I do not use gas in my establishment

Since the beginning of our activity, we have continually strived to offer all our customers home cooking prepared from environmentally responsible, seasonal and animal welfare products.

This vision as a spearhead led us to seek support from Écotable in order to push our responsible approach even further, and to help us implement ever more ambitious measures with a view to reducing our environmental impact as much as possible.

After a meticulous audit of all our practices (150-question questionnaire and analysis of one month of supporting documents - invoices, team schedules, menus, etc.), we are more than delighted to announce that we have obtained the label at level 3 🎉

This labeling truly rewards our efforts in favor of nature and ecosystems, and motivates us to always go further in our commitments 🌱

➡️ To discover our portrait on the Ecotables map, go to this link !

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